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The Italian State Council (III, order of January 19, 2018, no. 258) rejected the thesis of the Ministry of Health: Italy cannot refuse to recognize the Argentine title of odontologist, even if in Argentine the master's' degree program (five-year duration) requires less than 5,000 hours of teaching. These are the facts. A young odontologist, member of her professional order (the Argentine Colegio odontológico de la Provincia de Córdoba), asked the Italian Ministry of Health to recognize her own professional qualification, with the aim to practice her profession in Italy. The Italian authorities refused her request because she took the master's' degree based on 4,351 hours teaching, while in Italy the minimum duration is 5,000 hours. The plaintiff had successfully appealed that administrative decision, represented on first degree by the lawyers Giuseppe Lipari and Massimo Sidoti (on appeal by the lawyers Bisagna and Tallarida).

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